Latitude: 50°51.6' N | Longitude: 106° 56.5' W |
NW 8-22-7-W3 | R.M. Maple Bush #224 |
IDENTIFICATION: #42 red triangular sign on east shore.
HARBOUR FACILITIES: Rental slips yearly or daily. Launch ramp, phone, toilets.
concession with gas, ice, pumpout facilities (not consistently in operation), and confections. There is no drinking water available.
AREA AMENITIES: A nice walk to the Mainstay Inn.
NOTES: Finger docks are too short for large boats. There is space to tie up beside the launching docks. Go in as far as possible to avoid power boat traffic. You can also go into the bay beyond the docks and tie to shore, but you will
still be charged a fee. The bay north-west of Rusty's Coulee is also good when the lake level is high. Enfield Bay 4 M. Blockbuster Bay 14 M.
ACCESS BY ROAD: From the ferry landing go south-east on #42 1 km (.8 mi),
or go west from Riverhurst 3.2 Ian (2 mi), then 2.4 km (1.5 mi) south, then 1.6 km (1 mi) west, and 1.6 km (l mi) south.
Ambulance: | Central Butte: | 306-791-2101 |
Police: | Elbow: Swift Current: |
306-854-2234 306-778-9200 |